Showing posts with label Lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lifestyle. Show all posts

Monday, 22 April 2013

The Natural Way to Prevent Colon Cancer

Did you know that Colon cancer takes the lives of over 55,000 men and women in the United States every year. More than 130,000 new cases are diagnosed every year, and usually, at advanced states due to the lack of symptoms in earlier stages. Early detection is key in surviving colon cancer due to its invasive nature. Regular screenings are crucial in detecting colon cancer, but prevention via natural means may be your best defense!

Foods for Colon Cleanse

There are several risk factors of developing colon cancer have to do with diet. The following are risk factors for developing colon cancer:
1. High fat diet (saturated fat and trans fat)
2. Excessive consumption of fried foods
3. Excessive alcohol consumption
4. Excessive consumption of overcooked white and red meat
5. Excessive consumption of charbroiled, wood-burned or smoked foods
6. Obesity

The standard American diet is very high in fat, fried foods and red meat. It also tends to promote obesity due to supersized portions and excessive eating. Also the standard American diet is also low in fiber, which promotes a sluggish digestive system and increases the risk of chronic constipation, another risk factor for developing colon cancer.
Changing to a healthier diet that includes foods for colon cleansing can reduce your risk for developing colon cancer.

1. Fruit and Vegetables: Fruit and Vegetables offer your body colon cleansing soluble and insoluble fiber to soften and bulk the stool. This speeds up elimination and prevents poor colon health. The phytochemicals in fruits and vegetables offer your body a natural defense against many types of cancer. 

2. Whole Grains: Refined carbohydrates (white carbs) are laden in fat and sugar, which promote poor colon health and raise the risk of developing colon cancer. They are also low in fiber. Whole grains are high in fiber and lower in fat in sugar. They promote better colon health and weight loss. 

Also make sure you avoid some of the risk factors by making the following switches:

1. Choose lean animal protein rather than high fat animal protein such as red meat. Chicken breast, fish and vegetarian protein sources such as tofu, beans and brown rice can reduce your saturated fat intake.

2. Avoid alcoholic beverages and switch to healthier choices such as flavored herbal teas, some of which can also calm your nerves.

3. Cook your meats at optimum temperature rather than well-done. 

4. If you enjoy grilled foods, try grilling on an indoor grilling appliance.

How to Colon Cleanse

If you’ve been consuming a standard American diet for awhile, your colon is likely in poor shape. It may be lined with dried fecal matter that creates a toxic situation in both your colon and the rest of your body. This can increase your risk of developing colon cancer and other cancers through auto-intoxication and free radical damage.
Colon cleansing can rid your body of this dried fecal matter and improve digestion and overall health. Colon cleansing can and should be done once every few months, or even once a month, to restore colon health and prevent the development of colon cancer and other diseases and health conditions associated with poor colon health.
The Ultimate Digestive Health 30-Day Program includes four important components to thoroughly cleanse your entire system and colon:

1. Fiber: Fiber such as psyllium husks can bulk the stool and loosen dried fecal matter in the colon. Make sure you drink plenty of water and follow directions carefully.

2. Cleansing Tea: After the fiber has had a chance to work all day, a natural herbal cleansing tea taken at night before bed will work throughout the night to help you gently eliminate the waste by morning. Many teas also have ingredients such as chamomile to help you drift off to sleep.

3. Anti-parasite Formula: An unhealthy colon is a breeding ground for harmful parasites. Although we tend to think of parasites as being a 3rd world dilemma, intestinal parasites are common in the United States and often go undetected. An anti-parasite formula will kill any existing parasites.

4. Probiotics: After the colon cleanse, it’s important to restore natural bacterial balance so digestion is optimal following the colon cleanse. A probiotic formula will ensure a healthy start to a better digestive health!

To keep your colon at optimum health and take the preventative measures against colon cancer, I recommend completing the Ultimate Digestive Health 30-Day program at least twice per year, in the spring and the fall.